Conditions Watch Update

Monthly live foresight updates from the Resilient Futures Conditions Watch team

Discover what will or may impact you

Stargazing telescope

In this monthly live presentation and Q&A, the Resilient Futures Conditions Watch Team will report on the key conditions we're monitoring that are, will or may impact you and your organisation.

Join us as we share the findings & insights we've gathered from our collection of conditions listening posts throughout the month, followed by a Q&A and open discussion.

This month's theme:

Critical Patterns and Conditions for 2023

We have entered a time of systemic disruptive change.

What will this mean for you and your organisation in 2023?

Topics that we will discuss in the session:

  1. Focus on 2023: Global to Local Pressure

  2. Applying the Foresight Ready Reckoner

  3. Practising to Develop Your Organisation's change Landscape

  4. The SiAPC Conditions Watch: How can we help?

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