Articles & News
LEADING 2023: Strategic Leadership for Disruptive Change
Change is inevitable in today's fast-paced business landscape. Disruptive change, in particular, can pose significant challenges for organisations, requiring them to adapt quickly and effectively to stay competitive. In this article, we explore the critical role of strategic leadership in building organisational resilience in the face of disruptive change. We delve into key leadership qualities, such as adaptability, vision, and agility, that enable leaders to effectively guide their teams through uncertainty and navigate the complexities of change. Discover how resilient organisations embrace change as an opportunity for growth and innovation, and learn how strategic leadership can foster a culture of agility and adaptability to thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape
In today's rapidly changing world, disruptive conditions can impact any industry or market. To prepare for such conditions, executives need to adopt a strategy planning approach that is agile, flexible and effective. Resilient Futures, a professional development and coaching company, suggests following six simple steps for strategy planning in disruptive conditions.
Anna Feringa Article from Interview - Chloe Lyons
COVID-19 has shaken up the business world forever and amid the rapidly changing environment companies now face a make-or-break decision - look after employees’ mental health, or suffer far-reaching consequences.
Disruption: What We Learned by Surveying 280 Australian Business Leaders
We wanted to know what senior business leaders make of the digital, technological, and non-technological elements driving unprecedented change in all industries. Did they see disruption as a positive force—leveraging it as a tailwind moving them swiftly forward—or was their progress hindered by the headwind of disruption? Did they even think about disruption?
Dr. Peter Williams: “Smarter businesses are tapping their cities on the shoulder”
Is the COVID-19 pandemic a dry run for the disruptions that climate change has in store? Assuming this is the case, Dr. Peter Williams, lead author of the UN City Disaster Resilience Scorecard, knows what the “smarter businesses” are doing.
Chris Miller: Despite vaccine announcements, “we’re looking at 3-5 years of COVID”
When Pfizer first announced its COVID-19 vaccine candidate in mid-November, the world’s collective hopes soared. But Chris Miller, one of Australia’s leading risk and business continuity experts, happens to know a lot about both clinical trials and supply chain management. In our recent conversation with her, she recommended keeping expectations for an expedited return to normalcy in check.
Joe Cammarano: “The American experiment is still possible, but hanging by a thread”
In the wake of an American election that is historic for reasons too numerous to list, Providence College’s Joe Cammarano is reflecting on the state of his country. As an Associate Professor of Political Science with a Ph.D. from Rutgers University, he is accustomed to analyzing “the American experiment.” Just prior to voting day, we joined him to do the same.
Thought Leaders Thinking: Gerd Leonhard
People, planet, purpose, and prosperity; when Gerd Leonhard pictures the world to come, he hopes these will be its pillars. In our recent discussion with the famed author and speaker, we unpacked this vision and much more.
The Reality of Resilient Regions in the COVID Economy & Beyond
Given the disruption being experienced across Australia, for any region or community to assert they are resilient they must first pass the test of a new definition of resilience that is beyond the norm of bouncing back from shocks to resume ‘business as usual’.
Thought Leaders Thinking: Curt Spalding
We know that for the next year or two, we’ll be living under pandemic conditions. How can this nascent COVID economy dovetail into the real climate economy that will necessarily emerge, given our steadily accelerating environmental chaos? During our recent conversation with Brown University professor and former Environmental Protection Agency Regional Administrator Curt Spalding, a clear theme emerged: don’t bother looking back.
Thought Leader Thinking: Dr. Michael Busler
In Australia, there’s a saying that goes: “When Americans elect a president for themselves, they elect one for us too.” Of course, not only Australians are watching the American presidential election campaign with rapt attention. For many—including American economist and public policy analyst Dr. Michael Busler—the outcome will determine the sustainability of the United States as a superpower.
Thought Leaders Thinking: Mark Zawacki
650 Labs founder Mark Zawacki has a deceptively glib way of summing up the changes he sees ahead of us: “No more $14 avocado toast!” Of course, as the creator of a consultancy helping non-technology multinationals understand Silicon Valley’s disruptions, we should expect a quip like this from Mr. Zawacki. It’s a simple hook, but one capable of surfacing ideas of dazzling complexity.
Thought Leaders Thinking: Saul Eslake
If we imagine government fiscal policy as a bridge taking us over the economic disruption of this pandemic, we should be asking one question in particular. In Saul Eslake’s view, that question is: “What sort of roads on the other side of this bridge do we want to build?”
Government-Backed Loans: Computer Says No!
I’m getting feedback that many of our institutional lenders are deliberately limiting access to the promised government-backed loan scheme.
This is hurting small and medium sized business in Australia! And will be tragic for all - especially to a government who has already over-sold its promise to support Australians by over-stating the safety net for the employed and employees.
Thought Leaders Thinking: Robb Smith
Clearly, the COVID-19 pandemic is reorganizing the world, but to what end? According to the human development social innovator Robb Smith, we are in the midst of a “meta-crisis” that predates but includes the pandemic. He recently spoke with Resilient Futures about the origin of this crisis and “the Age of Transformation” that will follow i
Managing the Complexity of COVID-19
Six months since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, relevant empirically proven information is scare, while general complexity is high—and rising. According to the lauded American sociobiologist and futurist Rebecca D. Costa, these are conditions that may be outpacing our ability to manage them.
You & the COVID Economy: Finding Your Way Forward
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has seen the collapse of key business operations across many industries. International travel and hotel occupancy have drastically decreased, with many countries closing their borders. Restaurant and café turnover across the globe has also dropped dramatically, and a large proportion of workers are now working from home.
While the full impact of this disruption is unknown, what’s clear is that the ‘COVID Economy’ is the new backdrop for business strategies into the future.
Seek Out Strategic Opportunity-Risk, Even in “Worst Recession Since the Great Depression”
No matter what happens, there will be individuals, organizations, even whole nations that emerge from the pandemic with stories of growth, milestones achieved, goals realized. That’s because opportunities don’t exist without risk. And risks don’t exist without opportunities.
Chris Connors Article
With working from home set to become the new normal for many in a post-COVID-19 world, a team building expert has revealed how leaders can leverage the disruption to build stronger relationships with their employees.
Technology Healthcare
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed technologies that could revolutionise the healthcare sector into the public eye but the question remains, why did it take a disaster to reveal them and how does the sector keep the momentum going?